Modern Apps Live!

LW21 User Experience Nuts and Bolts


1:15pm - 2:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Anthony Handley

Anthony Handley

UX Practice Lead


Billy Hollis

XAML Slinger

Although quality business and data layers are critical to any application, the user sees and interacts with the application through its user interface. The user experience for all applications has become increasingly important over the years, and modern applications set a high bar for even the simplest app. This session focuses on the user experience design process and the types of user experience requirements you must take into account when designing a modern app. These requirements and design factors feed into the user interfaces expressed on PCs, tablets, and phones. In many ways, the success or failure of any application flows directly from the quality of the UX design. This session builds on the previous session, showing how to apply higher level concepts to real-world application design.